Monday 17 September 2018

Coming Up This Week  - TLC Kindergarten

Monday and Thursday are our library exchange days and students who bring back their library book can sign out a book on those days.  

This is a short week with parent teacher interviews.  If you haven’t already, please book a conference time online at
We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s first days of school and plans for the coming months.  

If you are missing forms please let us know and hand in any forms including the media consent forms and the Tell Me About Your Child forms.

Wednesday we will be participating in the Terry Fox Run and the days have turned cooler and rainy or snowy. Please dress your child for the weather. Students can wear athletic wear or their uniform and the morning class will go out with the school run while afternoon classes will go out to participate half an hour after they arrive at school.

Just a reminder that we are a nut free school and peanut butter sandwiches or snacks with any nut content will be put back in lunch bags and returned home.  Sesame seed allergies are on the rise and we ask that any food containing sesame seeds be not brought to class.  

Homework goes home on Monday and is returned on Thursday.  Please return the homework in the homework bag provided.  

Thank you for communicating changes in picking up or new bus assignments for your children with us and in a timely manner.  This has been so helpful and appreciated!

We look forward to meeting with you later in the week and if you are encountering problems with booking interviews please let us know and we can give you the information you need to book a time.

Thanks to all of you who are waiting for volunteering opportunities in the classroom and we hope to see you in the classrooms beginning of October.  Please stop by the office to begin the process of getting your police clearance if you haven't already been cleared.  

Have a great week ahead!

Ms. Phillips and Ms. Rothe