Thursday 20 September 2018

This Week In TLC Kindergarten

A short but busy week!

Parent Teacher Interviews

If you haven't yet booked and would like to schedule a time please email your teacher for availability.
Thank you to those of you who have met to share and discuss your child's learning and supporting us in getting to know your children.

The Terry Fox Run

The Terry Fox Run was a big success with all of our Kindergarten students participating and running or walking the course.  Thank you for dressing your children for the weather.


Students are settling in and continuing to learn the school and classroom rules and routines.  This is going well as we continue our work on teaching and using our visual schedules to support students in their transition into our school and Kindergarten.


In gym we are playing games and doing activities that promote fairness, taking turns and co-operation with others.


A reminder that students return their library books on Mondays and Thursdays.  Library days are exciting and they really enjoy time spent choosing and sharing their books.  Please continue to read to your child on a daily basis.  Parents can read the library books a few times before returning them.

Ms. Phillips and Ms. Rothe